Distance: Weekly Training 1/20/25 – 1/26/25

We’re going to try and starting using this website for posting weekly training, at least for the distance group. So, see below for the detail about our training this week.

I. News & Announcements

A. Weber State Indoor Meet (January 24-25, 2025, distance events are on Saturday)

If you’re going to be running the Weber State Indoor meet, I need your entry information by no later than this Thursday, January 23, 2025, by 5:00 PM. Registration closes that night. I will enter you under Northridge Track Club.

Here’s what I need from each runner:

(1) The race(s) you’re entering
(2) Your seed times (just take your best shot, since this is the first race of the year).

B. Other Indoor Meets

Additionally, be thinking about other indoor meets you might want to enter. As I mentioned before, we’re training through all indoor meets, but I think it can be helpful to get an idea of where you’re at, racing-wise, as we start to head into outdoor training in earnest.

Here are the options I’m aware of:

UCTTA Indoor Invitational (Olympic Ice Oval) (January 31, 2025)
REP Distance Challenge (Olympic Ice Oval (February 7, 2025)
Simplot Games (February 20-22, 2025)

If you have interest in running in any of these meets, please let me know ASAP, and then send me your events by Slack)

C. Outdoor Track Parent Meeting and Start Date

The athlete/parent meeting for outdoor track will be on February 5, 2025, at 6:00 PM in the Excalibur Room. Please make sure you add this to your calendar and are in attendance, as we’ll be discussing a lot of essential information. Also, please invite friends and interested siblings! Let’s get people out running with us!

D. No More Slack

We’ve been told by our athletic director that we can’t use Slack to communicate. I think we’ll be moving to Remind, which is district-approved. I’m not sure when that will happen, but it will need to be soon, so watch for additional information about that.

II. Weekly Training

A. Monday (January 20, 2025) (OYO)

Easy run to mileage. Make sure you do 4x strides. They should be fast. Take as much recovery time as you need to have them be fast. I would like them at least starting around 1600M effort and progressing to a bit faster than 800M effort.

B. Tuesday (January 21, 2025) (Northridge at 2:40)

Threshold 400s + 150s.

Dynamics and 2x strides
12-20x 400M @ threshold, with 30 seconds standing recovery between reps.
3 minutes recovery
4-6x 150M @ 1600M goal pace, 250M walk recovery.

We will be using the Freelap cones and chips to time these reps. We’ll see how it works. Obviously, feel free to bring your watch as well.

C. Wednesday (January 22, 2025) (OYO)

Easy recovery run. I would like to keep this shorter and low effort. Go as slowly as you want to provided your running form does not degrade. Cadence can slow a little bit, of necessity, but NO SLOPPY RUNNING. This is going to be a point of emphasis. We ALWAYS run with good form!

D. Thursday (January 23, 2025) (Northridge at 2:40)

Short warmup (800M)
Dynamics and 2x strides
4x 30M flys, I want 2-3 minutes of recovery in between these
Run to 50 cent hill
2x (5x 200M hills), run them fast, but leave some room for ramping up intensity in each set so that you finish at ~95% effort). 2:30 in between reps, 5:00 between sets
Easy run back to the track
15 minutes @ SubT
4x200M @ goal mile pace, with 200M walk recovery
Cooldown to mileage, if necessary, otherwise short cool down.

This is a big combo workout, but none of it should be very intense except for the flys (which will be too short for any kind of aerobic fatigue) and the last couple of hill reps in each set.

E. Friday (January 24, 2025)

SHORT easy run. Let the training adaptations happen. I don’t want anyone going much longer than 30 minutes. 40 minutes MAX.

F. Saturday (January 25, 2025)

Either long run over hilly terrain or Weber State with optional SubT.
The main thing here is to get your mileage in, even if you’re racing at Weber State. If you’re just running one short race at WSU, you have an option to do an extended “cool down” that includes 10-15 minutes of SubT running.

I think it would be fun for those of us who are not running a race at Weber State to do our long run from Weber State and then watch and cheer on those who are running. Let’s discuss this week at practice.

As always NO SLOPPY RUNNING. Good form, ALWAYS, no matter what the effort!

G. Sunday (January 26, 2025)


III. Additional Information Points of Emphasis

As I mentioned above, I really want it to be a point of emphasis for all of us to run with good form ALWAYS. Really focus on how you’re running — not only during your workout intervals, but also during recovery jogs and on easy days.

Things like 30M flys and short, fast track repetitions (faster than those at the end of workouts) are there to provide a speed development stimulus. This is mechanical, rather than aerobic, work, and, to be effective, they must be run fast with more of a sprinting form. Please run them accordingly. Below is video showing how the flys are to be run.

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